четверг, 17 марта 2011 г.

How to choose a men's wrist watch?

It is not worthwhile to speak, that each man is obligated to have wrist watch. Beautiful and stylish accessory will become the excellent addition of personal style for any representative of masculine sex.

In this article it would be desirable to touch on questions of the correct selection of wrist watch. On what to accentuate its attention?
How to verify the quality of hours? How to select the wrist watch, which will approach personally to you?

clasic wrist watch
cool clasic wrist watch

clasic wrist watch
Both the European producers and domestic at present propose the wide selection of wrist watches for the men. To whom to precisely give the preference, this is the personal selection of each, but this is how not to be mistaken as the selected accessory, against this in more detail.

Such different…. the clockwork

Clockwork - this is the basis of hours. On the quality of mechanism will depend the accuracy, the coordination and the service life of the selected hours. Mechanisms occur: mechanical, quartz and electronic. Let us focus your attention on the fact that the mechanical mechanisms can be both with the manual and self-starter. The differences between the quartz and mechanical mechanisms are directly in the energy source, which is necessary for the correct functioning of mechanism.

For example, in the mechanical mechanisms adapts the spring in the form of spiral, which has small deficiency - it unevenly is twisted, thus, it leads to the failure of time (when hours are late or vice versa they hurry to the specific time interval).

In contrast to the mechanical, quartz mechanism works from the battery. The crystal of quartz ensures the basic accuracy of the work of quartz mechanism. Thus, deviation with respect to the time in such hours is insignificant - per month do not exceed even 15 seconds. Small battery in the quartz mechanism has the high period of service and does not require plant. Quartz clocks do not need rewinder, thus, several years you can lighthearted exploit them

As far as cost is concerned, mechanical clocks are considerably more expensive than quartz. This explains by the fact that assembling mechanical clocks in essence the manual, while assembling of components for the quartz clocks is accomplished with the aid of the automation.

Convenient bracelet

clasic wrist watch

Certainly, basic factor with the selection of bracelets is nevertheless design, but also there are other factors, to which it is worthwhile to focus attention.

The wide selection of different types of bracelets makes it possible to satisfy the demand of any buyer. Leather bracelets so enjoy wide popularity (belts). Such bracelets are not only stylish, but also expensive. But nevertheless they have one deficiency - their transitoriness. Leather belts are erased in the course of time, small cracks appear. Although here the producers go to the step forward, many of them make leather belts moisture-proof and wear-resistant.

But metallic bracelets are nevertheless more advantageous. Metallic bracelets can be: by crew foremen and one-piece (from the metallic strips).

Which is worth noting, so this that the fact that for the cheap hours do not adapt the bracelets from the metallic it is sectional.

Material for the hours
clasic wrist watch
As far as material for the hours is concerned, here it is possible to isolate five basic materials, which are used with the production of hours.

1. Aluminum
Aluminum is sufficiently light and soft material. It is possible to say long-lived. It does not adapt for the expensive hours. It is used in essence for the production of cheap Chinese hours.

2. Stainless steel
The stainless steel is, perhaps, one of the frequently utilized materials themselves for the production of hours. This material is characterized by high strength, hardness and longevity. As a rule, the wrist watch of average and high price segment are made of the stainless steel. Only deficiency in such hours - this them significant weight.

3. Brass
Brass is also a good material for preparing the hours. Brass is substantial, but nevertheless less durable than steel.

4. Plastic
Plastic - one more of the widely utilized materials in the production of hours. It is worthwhile to note that the plastic of high quality is characterized by good shockproof properties; therefore the European producers of expensive brands use plastic for the production of their hours. The cheap plastic, which has low operating characteristics, can be used for the production of sufficiently cheap Chinese hours.

5. The titanium alloy
Sufficiently rarely it adapts with the production of wrist watches, but nevertheless this possibility to eat. Distinctive special features of titanium alloy - light weight and the absence of chemical reactions.

We will not forget about the glass

We determined, that important element in the hours is the mechanism, but it is nevertheless important to give special attention to glass of hours. By durable and shock-steady glass- is used with the production of expensive hours.

The following forms of glass at present are used:

1. Crystal glass- adapts for the hours of average price segment;
2. Sapphire glass- is most durable and most solid. It has high wear-resistant indices. For this very reason sapphire glass- adapts for the production of expensive hours.
3. Mineral glass- has not sufficiently high hardness numbers. Scratches can be substituted to such glass- with the aid of the sharp metallic objects. It adapts for the production of the hours of average and low class.
4. Plastic - adapts in the cheap and not long-lived hours.


Producers try to propose the wide selection of coatings in order to satisfy the demands of any level. The following types of coatings are distinguished: gold coverings, chromium coatings, titanium coatings, ceramic coatings.

The differences between these types of coatings are sufficiently essential.
1. Gold coverings. Such coatings appear richly and respectably, they add by your of the hour of solidity. But, as a rule, the gold covering in 2-3 years they will descend. In order to be precise, then in the year the decrease of gold covering on the hours is accomplished by approximately 1 micron.
2. Chromium coatings. The chromium coatings, executed under silver, are more long-lived in the operation in comparison with the gold coverings. Chromium coatings can serve to you sufficiently for long. The chief European and domestic producers of hours use such coatings.
3. Titanium coatings. They are sufficiently steadfast and long-lived in the comparison with other types of coatings. This explains by the fact that the titanium coatings are brought by the method of vacuum deposition, which has higher cohesion with the material, from which are made the hours.
4. Ceramic coatings. They are used for the sufficiently cheap hours of Chinese production.

We determine the waterproofness

Questions of the aqueous protection of wrist watch for many users are not less important than very mechanism of hours. Waterproofness determines the force of pressure, which they can maintain hours. They determine several classes of the waterproofness of the hours:

1. Hydrolabile hours. As a rule, such clocks go without the marking about the waterproofness. It is customary to assume such clocks nonhermetic; therefore it is desirable to avoid any contact with the water.
2. Water-resistant hours 30 m (30 M Of water Of resistant). Such clocks have the following marking - Water Of resistant, which indicates those water-proofed. Before the marking is always indicated the degree of protection - 30 m. this it means that such clocks are protected from the penetration of liquids, but to immerse in their water in no case is impossible.
3. Water-resistant hours 50 m (50 M Of water Of resistant). These hours have the higher degree of protection from the penetration of liquids, in them permissibly to float in the water, but, inadmissibly to dive.
4. Water-resistant hours 100-150 m (100-150 M Of water Of resistant). Hours with this degree of protection it is possible not to remove with the occupation by sport in the water, to dive and to be immersed at the small depth, and hours will not maintain here deep sinking.
5. Water-resistant hours 200 m (200 M Of water Of resistant). These hours are intended for the occupations by deep water wrist watch. They have the highest class of protection.

In the article were given the most basic factors, which it is worthwhile to consider with the selection of the qualitative wrist watch, using which you will select the accessory, which will emphasize your individuality!

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