четверг, 17 марта 2011 г.

How to choose a men's wrist watch?

It is not worthwhile to speak, that each man is obligated to have wrist watch. Beautiful and stylish accessory will become the excellent addition of personal style for any representative of masculine sex.

In this article it would be desirable to touch on questions of the correct selection of wrist watch. On what to accentuate its attention?
How to verify the quality of hours? How to select the wrist watch, which will approach personally to you?

clasic wrist watch
cool clasic wrist watch

clasic wrist watch
Both the European producers and domestic at present propose the wide selection of wrist watches for the men. To whom to precisely give the preference, this is the personal selection of each, but this is how not to be mistaken as the selected accessory, against this in more detail.

Such different…. the clockwork

Clockwork - this is the basis of hours. On the quality of mechanism will depend the accuracy, the coordination and the service life of the selected hours. Mechanisms occur: mechanical, quartz and electronic. Let us focus your attention on the fact that the mechanical mechanisms can be both with the manual and self-starter. The differences between the quartz and mechanical mechanisms are directly in the energy source, which is necessary for the correct functioning of mechanism.

For example, in the mechanical mechanisms adapts the spring in the form of spiral, which has small deficiency - it unevenly is twisted, thus, it leads to the failure of time (when hours are late or vice versa they hurry to the specific time interval).

In contrast to the mechanical, quartz mechanism works from the battery. The crystal of quartz ensures the basic accuracy of the work of quartz mechanism. Thus, deviation with respect to the time in such hours is insignificant - per month do not exceed even 15 seconds. Small battery in the quartz mechanism has the high period of service and does not require plant. Quartz clocks do not need rewinder, thus, several years you can lighthearted exploit them

As far as cost is concerned, mechanical clocks are considerably more expensive than quartz. This explains by the fact that assembling mechanical clocks in essence the manual, while assembling of components for the quartz clocks is accomplished with the aid of the automation.

Convenient bracelet

clasic wrist watch

Certainly, basic factor with the selection of bracelets is nevertheless design, but also there are other factors, to which it is worthwhile to focus attention.

The wide selection of different types of bracelets makes it possible to satisfy the demand of any buyer. Leather bracelets so enjoy wide popularity (belts). Such bracelets are not only stylish, but also expensive. But nevertheless they have one deficiency - their transitoriness. Leather belts are erased in the course of time, small cracks appear. Although here the producers go to the step forward, many of them make leather belts moisture-proof and wear-resistant.

But metallic bracelets are nevertheless more advantageous. Metallic bracelets can be: by crew foremen and one-piece (from the metallic strips).

Which is worth noting, so this that the fact that for the cheap hours do not adapt the bracelets from the metallic it is sectional.

Material for the hours
clasic wrist watch
As far as material for the hours is concerned, here it is possible to isolate five basic materials, which are used with the production of hours.

1. Aluminum
Aluminum is sufficiently light and soft material. It is possible to say long-lived. It does not adapt for the expensive hours. It is used in essence for the production of cheap Chinese hours.

2. Stainless steel
The stainless steel is, perhaps, one of the frequently utilized materials themselves for the production of hours. This material is characterized by high strength, hardness and longevity. As a rule, the wrist watch of average and high price segment are made of the stainless steel. Only deficiency in such hours - this them significant weight.

3. Brass
Brass is also a good material for preparing the hours. Brass is substantial, but nevertheless less durable than steel.

4. Plastic
Plastic - one more of the widely utilized materials in the production of hours. It is worthwhile to note that the plastic of high quality is characterized by good shockproof properties; therefore the European producers of expensive brands use plastic for the production of their hours. The cheap plastic, which has low operating characteristics, can be used for the production of sufficiently cheap Chinese hours.

5. The titanium alloy
Sufficiently rarely it adapts with the production of wrist watches, but nevertheless this possibility to eat. Distinctive special features of titanium alloy - light weight and the absence of chemical reactions.

We will not forget about the glass

We determined, that important element in the hours is the mechanism, but it is nevertheless important to give special attention to glass of hours. By durable and shock-steady glass- is used with the production of expensive hours.

The following forms of glass at present are used:

1. Crystal glass- adapts for the hours of average price segment;
2. Sapphire glass- is most durable and most solid. It has high wear-resistant indices. For this very reason sapphire glass- adapts for the production of expensive hours.
3. Mineral glass- has not sufficiently high hardness numbers. Scratches can be substituted to such glass- with the aid of the sharp metallic objects. It adapts for the production of the hours of average and low class.
4. Plastic - adapts in the cheap and not long-lived hours.


Producers try to propose the wide selection of coatings in order to satisfy the demands of any level. The following types of coatings are distinguished: gold coverings, chromium coatings, titanium coatings, ceramic coatings.

The differences between these types of coatings are sufficiently essential.
1. Gold coverings. Such coatings appear richly and respectably, they add by your of the hour of solidity. But, as a rule, the gold covering in 2-3 years they will descend. In order to be precise, then in the year the decrease of gold covering on the hours is accomplished by approximately 1 micron.
2. Chromium coatings. The chromium coatings, executed under silver, are more long-lived in the operation in comparison with the gold coverings. Chromium coatings can serve to you sufficiently for long. The chief European and domestic producers of hours use such coatings.
3. Titanium coatings. They are sufficiently steadfast and long-lived in the comparison with other types of coatings. This explains by the fact that the titanium coatings are brought by the method of vacuum deposition, which has higher cohesion with the material, from which are made the hours.
4. Ceramic coatings. They are used for the sufficiently cheap hours of Chinese production.

We determine the waterproofness

Questions of the aqueous protection of wrist watch for many users are not less important than very mechanism of hours. Waterproofness determines the force of pressure, which they can maintain hours. They determine several classes of the waterproofness of the hours:

1. Hydrolabile hours. As a rule, such clocks go without the marking about the waterproofness. It is customary to assume such clocks nonhermetic; therefore it is desirable to avoid any contact with the water.
2. Water-resistant hours 30 m (30 M Of water Of resistant). Such clocks have the following marking - Water Of resistant, which indicates those water-proofed. Before the marking is always indicated the degree of protection - 30 m. this it means that such clocks are protected from the penetration of liquids, but to immerse in their water in no case is impossible.
3. Water-resistant hours 50 m (50 M Of water Of resistant). These hours have the higher degree of protection from the penetration of liquids, in them permissibly to float in the water, but, inadmissibly to dive.
4. Water-resistant hours 100-150 m (100-150 M Of water Of resistant). Hours with this degree of protection it is possible not to remove with the occupation by sport in the water, to dive and to be immersed at the small depth, and hours will not maintain here deep sinking.
5. Water-resistant hours 200 m (200 M Of water Of resistant). These hours are intended for the occupations by deep water wrist watch. They have the highest class of protection.

In the article were given the most basic factors, which it is worthwhile to consider with the selection of the qualitative wrist watch, using which you will select the accessory, which will emphasize your individuality!

понедельник, 14 марта 2011 г.

Dress watch is Man wrist watch

Man wrist watch
Today wrist watch lost their significance as basic orientator in the time, then they became irreplaceable accessory for the successful people. This component can describe much about nature and style of the life of owner. The correctly selected hand watch will become the successful completion of any image. For the men the wrist watch have special importance.

This object of luxury became for us one of a few adornments, permitted in to the circle of businessmen. Moreover, precisely this accessory gives to us the deserved sensation of prestige. However, is correct to select wrist watch to its style - matter complex. Here there are such firm rules as during the selection of foot-wear or belt. Person, who combines in his extrinsic ethos sport suit and classical boots, will look ridiculously and absurdly, even if this entire clothing is expensive. One should clearly understand with the selection of wrist watch: hand watch  must be combined with the exterior view of owner and supplement his image. The contemporary wrist watch of middle class are made made of the stainless steel, sometimes they cover them with gilding. Expensive models are carried out from different forms of gold or platinum. The massiveness of watch depends first of all on water-protection (WR) - the higher it is, the more massive the model. Also has a value a quantity of functions, which are present in the wrist watch . The assortment of wrist watch, proposed today by producers, is sufficiently extensive. watch were divided into the forms, caused by their destination. Classical watch with clasical clock clasic wrist watch.

Classical wrist watch- these are strictness and the elegance, which remains claimed, in spite of the movement of mode. Such clocks are not burdened by superfluous functions, they show only time and date. The leather belt of black or brown color is the constant attribute of classical wrist watch. Most frequently the classical version of wrist watchhas circular shape, thinner frequent - square, rectangular or barrel-shaped. Dial is usually executed in the white or black color. Classical wrist watch have a water-protection WR 30, due to what they preserve standard size and elegantly they look on the wrist. Sport wrist watch.

This type of wrist watch ideally is suitable for active people, which support an active way of life and which are fascinated by sport. Such wrist watch are irreplaceable for the yachtsmen and the tourists. They have an additional protection of housing and a water-protection from WR 100. of model are sufficiently massive and capable of emphasizing the masculinity of their owner. In sport models there is only circular shape. The bracelet of these wrist watch can be either steel or rubber. In the rare cases the belt is leather, but then it is compulsorily processed by the water-repellent impregnation. The numbers and the markers, located on the dial, have larger, than in other models, size, which makes it possible to easily examine their indications at any moment. Sport wrist watch possess a number of the functions, irreplaceable for the athletes, yachtsmen. Besides the standard functions of time and date, they also can have chronograph, chronometer and tachymeter. Sport wrist watch - this is the only type of wrist watch , with production of which is not used gold, because this material has a large specific weight and wrist watch they are sufficiently heavy Daily wrist watch .
Daily wrist watch watch :

Daily watch speak themselves for themselves. This is the version, which is suitable for the daily life: reliable, convenient and well entering practically into any style of clothing. The models of this form, in contrast to the classical wrist watch , are more resistant to the external damages and better they are protected from the moisture their water-protection WR 30-100); however, in this case they do not appear massive. As a rule, daily wrist watch have steel bracelet, but there are also models with the leather belt. On the form such clocks can be round, square, rectangular or barrel-shaped. Dial is executed in the classical style. Besides the time and the date, the wrist watch can have an indicator of the action radius, a chronograph. To the daily wrist watch can be attributed of model, produced Of fashion by the brands, which have classical form and they are not separated by the abundance of adornments, so strongly caught the fancy recently to distinguished designers.
Official wrist watch

This type of wrist watch ideally will approach for the official measures, where it is very important to produce impression on the public. Usually such clocks have the most diverse forms and a maximum quantity of the functions:  repeater, eternal calendar, phase of the moon and others. official wrist watch without fail must be Swiss stamps and properly expensive. As you see, wrist watch easily can be selected to any style of clothing. However, this yet not all, about which it is necessary to know with the purchase of this accessory. It is necessary to remember that the color range of the leather belt of wrist watch must coincide with the color of boots and trouser belt. Selecting wrist watch , one should proceed from its real possibilities, indeed this is only addition to the common form. Madly expensive wrist watch will not be combined with the cheap boots and they will cause in those surrounding bewilderment, causing thoughts about the fact that the forgery is put on on you. In exactly the same manner to the expensive suit and to a good belt in any way it is not possible to put on the cheap work of Chinese masters. It is very important to know how to observe the balance of the cost of clothing and accessories. Selection of wrist watch. It is very important to understand, in what case of life you acquire wrist watch. Indeed official wrist watch are not intended for the walk along the mountains or the active trainings in the gymnasium and are superfluously luxurious for the daily work in the office. For this very reason it is worthwhile to acquire the minimum two models of the wrist watch, one of which compulsorily must be classical or daily. As soon as you were determined with the type of wrist watch , it is possible to pass directly to the selection of model. You will be determined with the budget, which you are ready to spend on this important accessory. The cost of the wrist watch of middle class varies from 14 to 60 thousand rubles. With the purchase of the wrist watch , whose Dress watch price does not exceed 18 thousand rubles, special attention should be given to the quality of article. You will attentively look around the selected model. Wrist watch must be made accurately: markers and numbers on the dial must be clear, pointer elegant and thin, inscription elegant. If you buy wrist watch with the leather belt, you will turn attention to the quality of piercing and invoice of the skin. The more accurately the wrist watch are executed, all the more elegantly and solidly they will look on your hand. The housing of wrist watch must coincide with your brush. Model is not worth taking, if the ears of dial come out for the brush, because your hand in such wrist watch will seem too thin. But also tiny housing on the powerful hand look will not be. Thin brush will look elegant and it is elegant in the small accurate wrist watch , whereas massive model will give the masculinity of wide brush. As to bear wrist watch . So that the wrist watch would not reach to you discomfort with the carrying, it is necessary to know how to correctly put on them. If the belt of your wrist watch is executed in the form steel bracelet, it must sit on the hand so freely so that you always could turn the wrist watch around the brush; however, it is not so weak in order to dangle on it. The model of Dress watch, equipped with leather belt, also must not tightly clench brush. Buttoning belt, leave between it and brush the small space, sufficient so that one finger would pass in it. Dress watch Observing all councils enumerated above, you will be able to make wrist watch the excellent addition of your image, which emphasizes your taste. Such components will not remain your unnoticed associates and business partners. Indeed in the business the extrinsic ethos plays far from last role.

CASIO, ADI, Certina, Cool Adi Watch  dress watch  Man wrist  wrist watch
Company CASIO ,ADI is indisputably one of the world leaders among the producers of hour production. The proposed assortment includes the following series, calculated for the users of the most different ages, interests and the level of abundance.
 G -shock
 hours for the amateurs of extreme sport and productive leisure. They are oriented to the young people, dress watch which carry out sport, dress watch  Man wrist watch to contemporary fashion, and also confident in itself adult men, “extreme” professionals and all those, who love sharp sensations and do not fear difficulties. In G -Shock only most contemporary highly durable materials, which ensure the unsurpassed protection of your hours, adapt. Functionally G -Shock also impress: from the automatic calendar and the stopwatch to the alarm clocks, universal time and automatic illumination, and some models contain notebook.
Your dress watch hours are protected to all 100%.
 Baby- G
The female version G -Shock, created specially for the active, young girls, who do not want to lag behind the men. 100% protection of your hours + likable exterior view and the mass of the useful functions: from the calendar and the alarm clock to the notebook, the atlas of temperatures and even animated display in some models.
 G -ms
Version Baby- G for the girls is somewhat older. Hours are elegant and sport simultaneously. Just as Baby- G, G -ms are unique in the design and are multifunctional. 
The series of the analog and combined hours (digital display + of pointer), which includes both the classical models and models of nonstandard design. Model number Of edifice - from the emphasized elegance to the sport image, from evergreen classics to the elements of futurism. The majorities of models are made made of the stainless steel, which indicates strength and longevity.
Hours, or more precisely, the present device for the tourists, the travellers and all those, who do not think of their life without the adventures. You will be pleasantly astonished by the presence “three sensors” (built-in barometer, compass, thermometer), and also altimeter, which makes Protrek with your loyal friend in any journey.
A series for those, who deal with sport, loves to actively spend time it follows its physical form. Some models have a counter of calories, which will show how actively you you are trained, and convenient stopwatches will fix your results. Phys - multifunctional hours, with which you will compulsorily place personal records.
If Protrek - this is the accurate satellite of those ground-based travelling, then the device Of seapathfinder - irreplaceable thing for the researchers of oceanic depths and amateurs of underwater sinkings. In the durable housing reliably were placed the barometer, thermometer, compass and even depth gauge.
The elegant analog hours, which do not fear moisture. Original exterior view, undoubtedly, must draw the attention of representative men, adherents of classical style, but at the same time opened for the new fashionable tendencies. Remarkable component: some models OCEANUS are equipped with such functions as depth gauge and alarm clock. Furthermore, in this series are separated Oceanus- chronographs. For the representatives of the fair sex is accessible a female series Of oceanus with the many-colored dials.
A series of the analog and combined (number + of pointer) dress watch hours, housing and bracelet of which are made from titanium, noted for its ease and which does not cause allergic reaction. A titanium series is very durable and is long-lived and the it is no wonder that this metal adapts in the medical, aviation and space industry. Lineage - hours for the men, who value entire uncommon.
Lineage - heavy stock of strength with the insignificant weight.
Classical series on the very reasonable price. From the traditional design to the elements of sport style. Hours for those, who value precise time and attractive form. Dress watch Are accessible man and female series BESIDE.
 Sheen dress watch
Series of female elegant hours. Sheen - combination of stylish design and qualitative materials. Women, which know sense in the mode, by which pleases all original and elegant they will without fail focus attention on this series. They are accessible to model with the combined coating, and also with the coating “pink gold”.
Hours for the amateurs of high technologies, computers, and Internet. C by the hours of this series you can hold the mass of the useful addresses/of phone numbers in the built-in notebook and have instantaneous access to any of them. Ideally it is suitable for journeys. Data bank - in you on the hand.

воскресенье, 6 марта 2011 г.

how to select the wrist watch a cool Hand watch

 It is complicated to visualize the times, when people in order to learn time, sought the aid complex devices, that depend on the sun, fire or water. Now, in order to answer the question: “Which wrist watch with hour arc?” - it suffices to look for the wrist watch either the hours, located on the advertising screens, small sities or the buildings of city. But, in spite of all these technical innovations, wrist watch were and remain the most popular means of the determination of precise time. So that the hours would serve you as faith and truth, remaining in this case the adornment of your wrist, with their selection it is necessary to consider some finesses.

Mechanism of the hours
Any hours - this is complex, thin mechanism. Depending on the energy source, feeder, all hours can be divided into two basic types.
Type the first - mechanical clocks
 In the hours of this type as the source of power of mechanism, is used the tightly brought spring. When spring begins to softly untwist, then comes in the pendulum motion, which through the equal time intervals acts on wheel clockwork. That, in turn, makes it necessary to move dial point, counting off seconds and minutes. In the mechanical clocks the indication of time occurs only with the aid of the pointers.
When the spring, which sets in action mechanism, completely untwists, hours will arise also so that they again send, the spring to again twist. This occurs during the plant of hours. The misfortune of mechanical clocks consists in the fact that the speed of untwisting spring is uneven, therefore, it is brought down the uniformity of swing of the pendulum and therefore hours can hurry or be late. The permissible, being been standard error in the accuracy of the motion of mechanical clocks is very great, officially it is from +40 to −20 of seconds in a 24 hour period.
In order to decrease this error, mechanical clocks are supplied with the additional device, which is called automatic rewinder. In this case the mechanical clocks are called clocks with the auto-rewinder or automatic hours. This device with the fluctuations of hours ensures additional twisting of spring. But here there are several nuances.
Auto-rewinder rarely completely frees the owner of automatic hours from the manual plant. Spring pulls from the fluctuations of hours, for example, from the motion of hand with walking, which is excluded with the rare carrying of hours or the extremely low-mobility work. The component, which ensures auto-rewinder, makes heavier and thickens hours, which is unacceptable for the female wrist watch. Also essential minus is the fact that the repair of the mechanism of automatic rewinder is very complex. Therefore in the case of breakdown it is necessary to be to ready for the fact that to you they will propose this device simple to move away from the hours, and they will become usual mechanical, which require plant by hand. But if the repair of auto-rewinder nevertheless they undertake, then cost it will be more expensive than the repair of usual mechanical clocks.
In spite of a relatively high error in the accuracy of motion, the need for starting hours each day, their dependence on the weather conditions (to spring of mechanical clocks it is harmful the superfluous humidity of air, they they are sensitive to the dust), demand for the wrist mechanical clocks in the entire world do not fall. With the correct operation and the timely preventive maintenance, the mechanism of hours will properly work for a period of decades.

Type the second - quartz (electronic) clocks

Electronic watch
 In contrast to first type hours, as the source of power of mechanism in this case serves usual or solar small battery. In the quartz clocks the oscillatory system of mechanism - pendulum, substitutes the crystal of quartz. Electronic generator on the basis of quartz crystal will give stable pulses on the step electric motor, which sets in action the clockwork of hours. That, in turn, moves dial points. Quartz clocks, in contrast to the mechanical, can possess not only dial with the pointers, but also digital display.
T to the frequency of the vibrations of generator practically does not change, quartz clocks possess high accuracy, differ significantly in terms of this from the mechanical clocks. An error in the accuracy of motion for the majority of quartz clocks is from +20 to -20 seconds per month. To start such clocks is not necessary, and to bear them is possible irregularly, without worrying that they will arise.
But, alas, there is nothing eternal and the crystal of quartz in the course of time begins “to grow old”, that also leads to the hurry of hours. Although in the theory on the service life the quartz clocks must not be inferior by mechanical, precise statistical data on the duration of their operation as yet do not have any, that also makes it possible to consider mechanical clocks record holder in the lifetime.

Ultra Thin 1.8 Inch Screen Cell Phone Watch with Compass + Media Player
Description: This cellphone watch merges communication & music entertainment into one superb mobile phone wrist watch

GD9110/GD911B LG GD9110 Ultra Thin Quad Band Watch With Keypad Phone
Description: Quadband Cell Phone Watch with Keypad + Bluetooth  
GD9110/GD911B LG GD9110 Ultra Thin Quad Band Watch With Keypad Phone
Description: Quadband Cell Phone Watch with Keypad + Bluetooth

GD9110/GD911B Ultra Thin Quad Band Watch With Keypad Phone
Description: Quadband Cell Phone Watch with Keypad + Bluetooth  

GD9110/GD911B Ultra Thin Quad Band Watch With Keypad Phone
Description: Quadband Cell Phone Watch with Keypad + Bluetooth  

Electronic clocks
 Electronic clocks call quartz clocks with the numerical indication of display. In them the pulses of electric generator are converted into the signals, which are mapped onto the display of the hours of seconds in the form changing on the dial and minutes. Is possible the hybrid version, when the indication of time with the aid of the pointers is used together with the digital display. If electronic clocks hurry or lag, it is possible to correct indications, after establishing new, but the fluctuations of generator will remain before, only in some models the correction of indications entails a change in the vibration frequency.
All quartz clocks are much less whimsical to the weather conditions, they do not require plant and are characterized by larger accuracy, than mechanical.
Housing of the hours
The mechanism of wrist watch is placed into the housing, which is their basic shielding shell. On that, how is qualitative “the body” of your hours, directly it depends, as for long and how reliably hours will serve to you.
On the material of the housing of hours depends not only their beauty, longevity, but also price of device.
 For example, the cheapest hours, which in the abundance are produced China, are made from aluminum. It is natural that this material is by no means ideal for the housings. It too soft, which makes housing short-lived, easily it is damaged, and badly processed aluminum can still and soil the skin.
But here plastic hours can prove to be very expensive and qualitative as, for example, the hours of the world famous model Of casio. All compositions of the plastics, which uses this firm, are patented and are characterized by high strength.
Housing can be prepared from brass and stainless steel. Such housings are very durable and are long-lived, moreover the stainless steel is considered as the most preferable version for preparing the wrist watch and it is used in the production of very expensive articles.
Also excellently themselves recommended housings from the titanium alloys. The greater titanium in the alloy, the easier and the more expensive the hours. In order to avoid the forgeries Of  he recommends to attentively study documents to the article: firm producer must be known.
Concerning coating the housing of hours. If these are expensive hours from the stainless steel or the titanium alloy, then, most likely, that spraying on them is absent, what is positive moment. Coating from any material in the course of time is worn out, scratches and appears not in better shape. The varnish coating of housing, which takes not fashionable form sometimes after only several weeks, is record holder on the rate of abrasion. Therefore, on the possibility of sprayings on the hours it is worth avoiding, at the worst giving preference to gilding or black chromium. Especially steadfast and little erasing black chromium wonderfully protects the material of housing from the damages.
But if the gold-plated hours were pleased to you, then you will focus attention on the fact that gold soft metal and in the course of time the gilding also will be erased. Therefore  it advises to consider the thickness of gilding, indeed gold covering into one micron will be held a little larger year. The purchase of wrist watch with the dual gilding will be the best output in this situation. You will focus attention also to that, on what technology the spraying is executed. Preference is worth returning PVD (spraying in how layers in the vacuum) and IPG (ion-plasma) to the technologies, which, in contrast to the galvanic method, are characterized by high strength.
And separately we want to warn against the purchase of hours with the nickel coating. With the carrying of the hours of the particle of the grated coating they penetrate through the skin the human organism, which can cause allergy. Moreover, appear this can even in those, who earlier were not subjected to allergic reactions, it is so that better not to risk.
But not only the technical side of a question must be considered, speaking about the housing of hours. Hours have long ago become not simply instrument for measuring the time, but also accessory, their kind by the index of prestige and taste of their owner.
 Form and size of man wrist watch in the majority of models remains conservative, round, rectangular or square with the filleted corners. The man hours of oval or irregular shapes rarely are encountered, moreover more frequent in a similar innovating are interested adolescents. Man hours rarely are vividly painted, most frequently they the restrained dark tones. Wrist watch, depending on the types of mechanism and added complications, can be massive and heavy. In this case it is especially carefully necessary to relate to the selection, t to not on each hand similar hours will look well. But if their weight above 100 grams, then the long carrying of such hours can cause the strongest discomfort, and in certain cases also problem with the wrist.
With the female hours it is more complex and simpler simultaneously. Any lady must have several hours, which are suitable different details. Forms, sizes and color of female hours are very diverse. Selecting female hours, to turn the attention is necessary by weight of housing and that, as they will look on the hand of that, coma they are acquired. Too massive or large hours will absurdly look on the thin wrists. To have wrist watch of wide bone it is not worthwhile to be fascinated by miniature hours or so, t to this will make a female knob visually of of larger than in reality.
And in the man and female hours you will focus attention on that so that the rear cover of housing it would be slightly smoothly bent in all directions. So hours will better sit on the hand of owner.
The control elements of hours are, as a rule, made from the same material as housing. For the quartz clocks this there can be the buttons and crowns, for the mechanical - only crowns. They are used for time setting, indications of calendar. The incisions frequently are brought to the screws of crowns, so that would not slide the fingers or different patterns, the logotypes of firm. The crowns of wrist watch some producers displace so that they would be arranged not along to center dial, but above, which increases the ergonomic quality of hours. Also the crown of mechanism for the purpose of an increase in the airtightness of hours can be screwing up or supplied with the safety device, which should be raised upward before the plant.

Dial and glass-
 Dial - this “the person” of any hours, on whom, strictly, and is reflected the time. It can be with the customary for us pointers or the display with the changing numbers.
Besides its basic function, the dial is carried out even and aesthetical function, for example, it can be vividly painted, numbers (in the case of switch dial) can be relief in order to facilitate their reading. The pointers of female hours are characterized by whimsical forms, frequently it can meet hours with the gold-plated pointers. Luminescent pointers will help to rapidly determine time in the cloudy weather or in the twilights.
All this is important, but is more important the protection of dial, i.e., the material, from which is prepared glass-. It can be made from the plastic (organic glass), the cut glass, from mineral glass and artificial sapphire.
Artificial sapphire is most qualitative, longest-lived and wear-resistant, it cannot be scratched, it is complicated to break. Such firms as Sapphlex and Tissot most frequently use precisely it. In the second place on the strength and reliability stands mineral glass-, and most frequently it is encountered in the wrist watch of average price group, it is exact as cut glass. Plastic stands at the last place on the strength. However qualitative it was, but to scratch it is nevertheless too simple.
 After selecting mechanism and housing of hours, you will focus attention on bracelet - the exterior view of article it is in many respects ensured precisely due to it. The shabby belt, which is sharply differed in the color and the style from the housing of hours, is capable to bring together on no impression from the most expensive and most qualitative articles. But the value of the design of bracelet for the female hours is generally complicated to overestimate. And, nevertheless, the main designation of bracelet - to reliably retain hours on the hand of owner.

As a rule, bracelets are made from the same material as the housing of hours, although exception by no means rarity.
Bracelets from the ceramics, silicone or plastic are not too long-lived and they considerably reduce the cost of the type of article, so that it is worthwhile to leave such belts for the children's and teenage hours.
It is separately necessary to speak about the belt, made from the classical material - the skin. For the amateurs of natural materials it is worthwhile to be prepared for the fact that the dear leather belt of hours it is necessary to change. After only year -one-and-a-half the skin will lose wrist watch elegance. Minus is also the fact that the elastic leather belt is subjected by unfavorable ambient effect and even slightly it is extended in the moist weather.
 And nevertheless greatest variety is observed among the metallic bracelets. For example, to the bracelets for the female hours most frequently goes brass, t to this soft metal makes it possible to create complex forms and elements. But brass bracelet sufficiently rapidly is grated because of the softness and coating on it begins to be scaled and to be cracked. Less critical to the form bracelets for the man hours most frequently are made made of the stainless steel, sometimes with the gilding. Such bracelets, as housing from the same material, are characterized by high strength and longevity. Are very good for preparing the bracelets titanium, articles made of the titanium alloys the lungs, durable and warm by feel the touch. But here completely gold bracelets it is necessary to avoid, moreover even not because of the cost, but the weight of article, which reaches 100 and more than grams. Add here the case weight of hours, and you will obtain idea about the gravity, which it is necessary to bear on its own wrist.
With the selection of metallic bracelet focus attention on the method of production it is sectional.  recommend to give preference to the cast or stamped bracelets, to t to those prepared from the bent metallic profile frequently prove to be too thin and unreliable.
Band lock, the length
 Reliable band lock is very important, after exterior view, in the bracelet. Is distinguished simple band lock, the overlap, duplicated up, with the additional catch, concealed and symmetrical soaked of three it was sectional, which still is called butterfly. By the way, in “butterfly” there is still and the third name - clip- automatic weapon. This is one of the most reliable and extended versions of fastening. Also high reliability they are characterized by that duplicated up it soaked and it soaked with the catch.
The situation, when the selected wrist watch are supplied with the bracelet of too great a length, frequently appears. In this case they can shorten bracelet in the store or the workshop, after taking out of it is somewhat it is sectional. But if problem is reverse and wrist too large, then components can put into the bracelet. Optimum version will be the selection of bracelet immediately on the hand, especially because many contemporary firms let out the hours, supplied with the bracelets of different length.

Fastening to the housing of the hours
Bracelet or belt is attached to the hours with the aid of the tiny vertical ears, which are the part of the housing of wrist watch. Ears must be slightly bend out so that the bracelet would fit wrist. In the qualitative hours the ears are thoroughly polished, that shine and smooth by feel the touch. Bracelets and belts can be attached to the hours differently: with the aid of the screw pins, what is one of the most unreliable methods, t to they frequently slip. Or with the aid of the specially developed screw connections, special for the different firms. Fastenings in the form of miniature spring carbines or tubular clamps are as before encountered. Frequently the ears are even and the part of the bracelet, which is characteristic for the designer female hours.
Functions of the hours
 After having a talk about the materials and the exterior view of hours, we pass to their functional filling. Now the producers of hours supply their production with the most diverse functions and the complications, so that it remains to only select for user the collection necessary for themselves.
Illumination is one of the most useful additional functions of wrist watch.
For the quartz clocks this can be the electroluminescent, light-emitting diode or based on the semiconductor technologies illumination. It is included by pushing of knob and illuminates digital display by the light of different colors (most popular it is yellow and green colors) the fixed quantity of seconds. In some models the illumination works only with the pressed button, which is not always convenient in the use.
Illumination can be realized, also, in the mechanical clocks. In this case it will be luminescent. Pointers and numbers on the dial of hours are covered with the special photoluminescent composition, which forces them to shine by cold light in the darkness. This illumination in the course of time weakens, and if hours are covered by the sleeve of clothing, then composition will not obtain sufficiently light for the recharging and it will operate entirely weakly. Nevertheless, this is the popular type of illumination, realized in the hours Of casio in the models BEM-113D-1A, BEM-113D-7A and many others. Illumination on the basis of radio-luminescent composition is more functional. Paint for it is prepared with the use of radioactive materials. In this case a similar illumination is absolutely safe for the man, t to is completely absorbed by the housing of hours and by their glass. Of course it is better to buy wrist watch with this illumination from the chief Swiss producers, who designate safety by marking T-Swiss- T.
 Alarm clock is function following on the popularity. In the quartz clocks the realization of the function of alarm clock does not compose problems, to much more complexly build in alarm clock the mechanical clocks. To build in the miniature mechanism of alarm clock, to ensure a good sound permeability of housing are more complex; therefore the presence of alarm clock strongly raises in price mechanical clocks. The plant of alarm clock is achieved with the aid of the separate crown, displaced for “2 hours”, as a rule, for the installation of it necessary to extend, and then to return to the initial position.
The same complexities as incorporation in the mechanical clocks of alarm clock, cause the start in them of the function of calendar. Nevertheless, in such hours can be build it even eternal calendar. Eternal calendar is build it the quartz clocks Of seiko SLL107P, and the mechanical clocks Of orient Of multi-year Of calendar of 2EU00002K. The mechanism, which is the complex system of wheels with a different quantity of teeth, is synchronized in such a way that, revolving, it derives in the window the date Beza any manual adjustment. In the simplest versions of calendar in the special window, the aperture, appears the date, which at the end month must be corrected by hand.  Sometimes date is determined by other means, for example, with the aid of the disks, to which are substituted the calibrations or the small additional dial, whose pointers indicate the month and the number. Everything is much more accessible with the quartz clocks. With the aid of the buttons it is possible to derive date in the basic window of digital display, the additional window or to show it with the pushing of the specific knob.
For the sport people, yes even not only for them, is interesting and useful will be useful the chronograph. Chronograph call the hours, which have two measuring systems of time, independent from each other in the work. The first of them shows the current time, and the second, switch oned at will of owner, measure the time intervals. In the hours, where the indication of time is achieved by pointers, it is possible to neglect the counter of seconds or minutes, to stop it, to reset to zero and all this occurs, without preventing the work of hours. In the switch chronographs the counters are realized in the form separate dial, in some with the aid of the fan dial with the smoothly being moved pointer. Last indication is very spectacular, but it is inconvenient. Therefore preference should be given to the first version. An example of such hours can be the models Of longines Of l2.673.4.78.6, Certina 674.8180.12.17, the part of the models from the collection Of tissot Of t17 PRC200. And it is again necessary to emphasize that the functions of stopwatch, chronograph, in the quartz clocks with the numerical indication are arranged simpler and it is more graphic.
 One additional function of hours, which can be recommended as required for the mechanical and very desirable for the quartz wrist watch - this is the indicator of the action radius. In the version of mechanical clocks on the dial the marked scale is substituted in a special manner, and separate pointer shows, how long it remained to the total stopping of hours (for example, the hours Of seiko SPB003J). In the case with the quartz clocks - to turning off of small battery. Quartz clocks with the digital display frequently derive the indicator of the radius of action in the form of mark or number of hours, which were remained to the rarefaction of small battery.
Other important and useful for many functions include the indication of the second time zone, tachometer, lunar calendar etcetera.
For people, which frequently travel, it is worthwhile to focus attention on the indication “second time”. This function will allow you to be thrown to the period of one or several other time zones.  The passage between them is accomplished with the aid of the buttons or by rotation of special head (in the case of mechanical clocks). As an example it is possible to indicate the hours Of tissot Of t30.1.485.52.
Tachometer - this is the unique superstructure to the chronograph, which makes it possible to calculate the average speed of the motion of the owner of hours. For this altogether it is only necessary to notch the time interval with the aid of the chronograph, and its second hand significant figure the tachometric scale.
With the built-in lunar calendar in the special aperture is reflected the dial, marked the 29th by lunar days. The only pointer of this dial indicates the existing position of the Moon. However, this function for whom little has common sense and, it is faster, it is called to add the bit of mysteriousness to the owner of such hours.

 Protection of the hours
 The reliability of each hours - these are not only the reliability of mechanism, but also its protection. The discussion deals with the resistance of article to water and impacts, from which are insured not some wrist watch.
As far as moisture shielding is concerned, it directly depends on the airtightness of hours. It is ensured by special padding and packings at junction of housing, screwed up crowns or buttons poured with the housings, thickness of glass of dial and by fastenings of the rear cover of hours.
It is possible to isolate the following basic types of fastening the rear cover:
cover- popgun - simplest and not most reliable version, it is slipped over the annular protrusion of housing, is held actually on the friction;
the cover, which is attached through the sealer to the housing of hours to four or is more screws. This is the most common version for the hours of average price group.
screw cover - most reliable version of fastening. As it follows from the name, it screws itself into the housing of hours, which ensures maximum airtightness, and it means the increased waterproofness of hours.
In some hours, for example, in model 100108-028R of the collection Of vulcain Of aviator GMT are used the dual covers, which protect mechanism from the environmental effects.
The level of the watertightness of hours is indicated on the rear cover of article and it is measured in the atmosphere (1(ATM) = 10 to meters) or the meters customary for us. If on the hours stands marker WR, then this means that rain is not terrible by it. But in the hours with the notation of 10 (ATM) it is possible even to be immersed under the water at the small depths. For daily carrying is suitable the level of waterproofness into 3-5[ATM].
 For shockproof quality it is apropos worthwhile to note that the fact that the mechanical clocks due to the complex mechanism will always be inferior from this parameter by quartz. If you select hours for an active way of life, then from the mechanics it is better to nevertheless refuse.
wrist watch taht not brokes and just as waterproofness, is reached by the start in the mechanism of the hours of all possible dampers, sealers and all possible flexible rubber packing. High-impact hours pass certification on different standards. Optimum for the daily not overactive operation is standard ISO-1413: hours are checked against the drop from the height of meter to the surface from the solid types of tree.
But nevertheless consider that also the waterproofness, and shockproof quality are checked under the ideal laboratory conditions, and under the conditions of usual life hours are better as far as possible to spare.
 Usually guarantee for the wrist watch is given by period from one year to five years. The free repair of article will be produced only with the presence of the properly filled guarantee documents, by the legibly written series number of hours, written by date purchase, signature of salesman and by press store. Compulsorily verify so that the series number on the hours would coincide with that indicated in the guarantee coupon, otherwise you then can be deprived of after-sales service.
You remember that in the free repair they can refuse to you, if you independently revealed or attempted to open hours, about which testify the spots inside the mechanism, the independently substituted source of power of clockwork, scratch and dent in the sites of the joint of housing. Naturally, they will refuse in the maintenance with careless handling with the hours, for example, if broken glass- dial, is broken off the head of the mechanism of plant, are tracks of the action of chemical substances and to that similar rough damages of housing or mechanism. In order to avoid unpleasant surprises with the visit to the service center, try to use hours accurately, to store in the dry place, as far as possible not to drop and not to strike them, to in time change small batteries, moreover not independently, but in the hour workshops. By the way,  it recalls that the replacement of small battery is not guarantee situation and for you it is necessary to pay this service to itself.
But here if in the work of hours are observed failures, such as stoppages of the work of illumination, problem in the work of alarm clock, auto-rewinder or another built-in function and master established that this is plant marriage, and not your carelessness, then guarantee situation appears. In this case do not forget about your rights: repair must be produced during 20 workdays, and the warranty period of article is prolonged to the period of repair. In the case, when in the workshop they established that the malfunction of hours occurred not through the fault of owner, then buyer is right itself to decide to make article or to require the replacement of hours by new or the recovery of money.
Producers and the spread of the prices
 Among the most popular firms of the producers of wrist watch it is possible to name such firms as Longines, Certina, Tissot (Switzerland); Seiko, Citizen, Casio, Orient (Japan) and Romanson, Essence (Korea). Each stamp has its worshippers. For example, sport people, by which are required the hours for an active way of life, supplied with the set of additional functions, should be turned attention to Citizen and Casio. The hours of these firms depending on functional filling, materials, from which they are prepared and design, will manage from 50-80$ and to 300.
But if you want to see sport- classical type hours, which are combined with jeans and office clothing in yourselves on the hand, then to your services the hours of firms Seiko or classical models from Certina, Tissot. The hours of two last firms will manage to you from 400$ and to 2000$.
Qualitative, but not too expensive hours for the lady, can be found among the models from Romanson. The qualitative mechanisms, wonderfully made designer female hours and average price group make this firm of that loved by many women. Hours from Romanson will manage to you into 80-150$ depending on design and materials.
 But if in your plans the purchase of not simply qualitative hours, but prestigious stamp, part of the image, then begin to select from the Swiss hours, for example, of firm Longines. Similar wrist watch stand from 3000$ and considerably higher. But this investment will actually allow you to produce favorable impression on the experts and judges of good hours.

After reading this list, it is possible to ask the question: “Why into this enumeration of the most popular hour brands do not enter such well-known firms, as “flight”, “the east”, “Orion””. But everything the fact is that, is no matter how paradoxical, the hours of these firms enjoy larger popularity in the West, and domestic user in majority his prefers to overpay for the known foreign stamp. After studying the forums of experts and amateurs of hours, after having a talk with the salesmen of hour stores, it is possible to bring the following uncomforting sum. In the opinion the majorities, the domestic hours, copied from the Swiss and the showing not bad parameters on the accuracy of motion and longevity, are nevertheless inferior to contemporary foreign stamps.  The design of our hours it is possible with the confidence to name that become obsolete, working the components of housing and dial less qualitative, and the main thing - absence of prestige. Swiss hours, even Korean and Japanese possess where more famous name than domestic articles. Contemporary user for the name, the carefulness of performance and the fashionable outlines here and overpays. However, the success “of flight” abroad and the isolatable means to his advertisement on the native land leave hope for the fact that soon this stamp will occupy the fitting to it place among the wrist watch of the leading brands.
It is desirable to add in conclusion that any hours, as if plastic children's or sport for diving, must be bought not in the underpass or on the market, while in the specialized stores. You will focus attention on the knowledge of the salesman, who must give to you the comprehensive consultation both on the questions about the mechanism of hours and about the stamp of producer. And do not forget to inquire by reductions, indeed healthy savings still no one injured

phone wrist watch W968
phone watch W968
This is a W968 1.4" Quad Band Touch Screen Watch Cell Phone with FM Bluetooth. Camera, digital audio and video players are integrated in this stylish timepiece for a mobile quad band cell phone with Bluetooth connectivity! The W968 is high quality GSM quad band cell mobile. This touch screen watch phone features a superb high quality touch screen LCD display and virtual keypad for quick dialing and texting while on the go. Simply insert your SIM card and go away anywhere! This Bluetooth watch phone also comes with a great Bluetooth headset for further versatility. There's more! No longer will you have to carry around a bulky MP3 / MP4 player or iPod! Order one of the amazing cell phone watches as a gift for you!
■cool wrist watch W968 Brand new and high quality


■This quad-band phone will work on GSM network frequencies GSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
■Easy-to-use and responsive touch screen function for smooth navigating
■Bluetooth High speed wireless technology
■Bluetooth compatible with an included headset and also includes all the necessary hardware and chargers to get it started
■Comfortable to wear
■FM Radio: Yes
■Screen Size: 1.4 Inch Touch screen; QVGA(160 x 128 pixels) Resolution
■Memory: Support T-flash card, up to 2 GB memory
■Ringtones Type: Polyphonic / MP3
■Audio File format: MP3 / WAV / AMR / AWB
■Video File format: 3GP / MPEG4 (AVI)
■Image File format: JPEG / BMP / GIF
■E-book format: TXT
■Data Transfer: USB/Bluetooth
■Messaging: SMS / MMS
■Camera: Built-in 1.3 megapixel camera
■Network: GSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
■Size: 48(W) x 48(D) x 17(H)mm
■Talking time: up to 3 hours
■Standby time: up to 100 hours
■Color: Silver
■Net Weight: 0.16Kg
Package Includes
1 x W968 1.4" Quad Band Touch Screen Watch Cell Phone with FM Bluetooth
1 x Charger Adapter
1 x Earphone
1 x USB Cable
1 x User Manual
2 x Battery
Extra Info
Additional Feaures:
■Support memory card
■MP3 / MP4 player
■To do list
■Alarm clock
■E-book reader
How to Turn on a Watch Phone?
■Turn off your Watch Phone by pressing and holding the"End"key for a few seconds
■Remove the battery from your Watch Phone by opening the back cover, then lifting up the battery from the bottom
■Insert the Subscriber Identity Module(SIM)card into the slot. The SIM card lets you store communication information, such as your messages, personal information, phone book and Personal Identification Number(PIN)
■Insert the battery by putting it from the top. Close the back of your Watch Phone
■Turn on your Watch Phone by pressing the "End" key for a few seconds
■Type in the four-digit PIN number when your watch phone determines you inserted a valid SIM card, then press "Confirm". The PIN number protects you from illegal use of your Watch Phone. You have three chances to enter the correct PIN number before the SIM card locks. Call your network operator if your SIM card locks
■Send or receive calls on your Watch Phone when you see the network operator's logo on the Watch Phone screen. Take note of the network signal strength by looking at the icon on the screen's upper left corner
Safety instruction
■If your phone is lost or stolen, please inform the Telecommunication department at once to disable this phone and SIM card (this function needs net work support), which can avoid economic loss caused by imitating calls
■To avoid misusage of your phone, please take safety measures, such as:
Set PIN number for SIM card
Set phone password
Safety warning and notice
■Safety first: Please do not use your cell phone when driving. If it is an unavoidable call, please use hand free accessories. Remember that it is illegal to make a call when driving in some countries
■Please power off your phone on plane. Cell phone may cause interference. Using the cell phone on plane is illegal and dangerous. Please make sure to keep your phone powering off during the flight
■Please power off your cell phone within dangerous areas
Making a Call
■If you're making a call with your mobile in a public area, make sure that you always keep your eyes on what's going on around you. Thieves go to great lengths to get their hands on the nearest handsets, so keep your wits about you all the time